The Accidental Adventure of Lucas Longwhiskers

I have fantastic news!

No otters have fallen unexpectedly into time tanks, no otters have been flung into the far future by over excited rodents and no otters have been talking to me in crazy riddles and keeping secrets from me. It has all been refreshingly uneventful!

Somewhat suspicious that, mind you, nothing around here goes this well! I can only assume that this is calm before the storm, so to speak. I am told it isn’t always like that, and that sometimes things go according to plan. I remain unconvinced. We shall have to wait and see.

Peter and Zsofia have been on two splendid time trips, it would seem that everything went absolutely swimmingly. First rate work those otters! It is all absolutely marvellous, I hear they have got the time wheel perfectly calibrated and some what do you call it data. Ahh yes,  benchmarking, that’s it!

All of this unprecedented calm has given me a fantastic opportunity to spend some time with young Lucas. Debbie Shorttail stepped in on his behalf and assured me that his part in last week’s shenanigans were, as he said, accidental. So he and I had a super chat over some lovely fish crackers with snail jam. Surprising combination that, Lucas’s idea and it really works. I feel it will find it’s way into the Holt’s regular snack rota!

Anyway, he has written a report on his adventure and I thought I’d share it with you.

The Accidental Time Travel Adventure of Lucas Longwhiskers.

Two weeks ago I went on a field trip to the time travel research department. It was wicked! I accidentally became the youngest time traveler in the world…ever!

That wasn’t the idea though, Miss Softears our teacher was very insistent that there we were not to try to get in the time tank. 

We arrived at the time travel temporal research department first thing in the morning and Mr Russetcoat took us on a tour of the department, he showed us the time pool tank thingy and Cedric’s big wheel. Cedric wasn’t there, which is a shame, I like Cedric! We all had to sit down and draw time wheel, it had to be a scientific diagram to explain how it works, mine got a bit wet so I redid it on the O-Pad later.

The time wheel

Miss Softears says I have got the arrows the wrong way round but I don’t believe her. I will go and ask Brian Mr Russetcoat tomorrow. 

Anyway, after the drawing we got to have a look around the time tank and wheel on our own, Phillip and Clara were trying to get the wheel started and I climbed up on the platform at the top of the tank to see if I could get a better look at the wheel working. Somehow I tripped over something and fell into the water… I swam as fast as I could to the side and climbed out. When I did everything looked wierd. My whole class had disappeared and the time travel otters were there!! I couldn’t believe it! I had traveled in time and I had ended up with Mr Paddlefoot and Miss Smoothcoat. I had no idea how it had happened, and somehow I had lost my hat! I couldn’t believe it, it was totally wicked I was in the future. Well…it is the past now, but it was the future then! I had to tell Uncle Lutra straight away! I also wanted to go to the school and see myself but when we left Uncle Lutra’s office, Zsofia told me that wasn’t a good idea. She said I could cause the end of the world and some imploding and exploding and big time confusion in the universe. I’m not so sure because I saw both Cedrics in the same place but they wouldn’t let me and I had to come home and promise not to tell anyone until after the future had happened!!

Still…it was super awesome and I definitely want to be a time traveler as soon as I can!! Oh and the really good news is my hat had fallen off on the platform and was waiting for me when I got back!!

Lucas Longwhiskers age 6 months

9 thoughts on “The Accidental Adventure of Lucas Longwhiskers”

  1. Things going to plan is always a worry – something is definitely up when plans do what they are supposed to! Lucas is adorable. He certainly is a dab hand with that O-Pad! He must be very proud of becoming the youngest ever time traveller. I am chuffed for him! Not quite sure about the snail jam – I’ll take Lutra’s word for it!

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    1. Lucas is so proud 😊 youngest time traveller ever and he didn’t really get into trouble because he is adorable and Lutra is a big softie really (but don’t tell anyone)
      I don’t think I am going to try snail jam either to be honest!

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